Appell an die Internationalen Experten zu Doel 3 – Tihange 2
9. September 2015 | Veröffentlicht von Aktionsbündnis gegen Atomenergie Aachen, Keine KommentareAppell an die Internationalen Experten zur Bewertung der Fehler in Doel 3 – Tihange 2
Hier ein Schreiben von Stop-Tihange an den ‚International Expert Board‘ zum safty-case:
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
We learned that you recently received the new Safety Case reports from Electrabel. Now you have the immense responsibility to decide in favour or against the safety of millions of people.
In a petition, more than 60.000 people are saying stop the restart until it is proven without any doubt that a RPV with thousands of flaws is as safe as a new RPV of the same type:
We hope that you will be able to produce and even publish an opinion based solely on the well-known scientific data and the safety of the population living near those power plants and resisting the pressure of the major shareholders of GDF-Suez.
Isn’t it time for whistleblowing? Now it’s on you to save millions of people.
Yours sincerely,
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